
This addon allows you to set up a Samba server to access folders using Windows network shares.

  "name": "hassio",
  "workgroup": "WORKGROUP",
  "guest": true,
  "map": {
    "config": true,
    "addons": true,
    "share": true,
    "backup": true,
    "ssl": false
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "interface": "eth0"

Configuration variables:

  • name (Optional): Set netbios name of device. Default is hassio.
  • workgroup (Optional): Set network workgroup name. Default is WORKGROUP.
  • guest (Optional): Allow login without a username or password. Default is true.
  • map (Optional): Control which folders will be exposed. config shares the Home Assistant configuration folder. addons shares the local custom repositiory. share shares a folder that can be accessed by add-ons and Home Assistant. backup shares access to snapshot files. ssl shares certificate storage. Be careful with the ssl option! Defaults are all set to true, except for ssl.
  • username (Optional): Username for logging in if guest login is not used.
  • password (Optional): Password for username. An empty password is not supported.
  • interface (Optional): Interface that will start the share. Normally this is eth0 for ethernet wired connection and wlan0 for wireless connection.