
Setting up the Tellstick service and tools contained in the telldus-core package and adding configuration to enable Tellstick and Tellstick Duo to work on your

To use this add-on, you first install it from the list of Built-in add-ons in After installation you are presented with a default and example configuration, to alter this you must follow both the JSON format and also be aligned with the valid parameters for Tellstick configuration file (tellstick.conf).

After any changes have been made to the configuration, you need to restart the add-on for the changes to take effect.

Configuration variables:

  • id (Required): A number and must be unique for each device.
  • name (Required): A name for easy identification of the device.
  • protocol (Required): This is the protocol the device uses. More on the different protocols later down.
  • model (Optional): The model parameter is only used by some protocols where there exists different types of devices using the same protocol. This can be dimmers versus non-dimmers, codeswitch versus self-learning, etc.
  • house (Optional): Depending on protocol the values here can vary a lot to identify or group per house or type.
  • unit (Optional): Unit identifier, in most cases a value between 1 to 16 and often used in combination with the house.
  • fade (Optional): Fade is either true or false and tells a dimmer if it should fade smooth or instant between values (only for IKEA protocol as it seems).
  • code (Optional): A number series based on ones and zeroes often used for dip-switch based devices.

You will need to add internal communication details to configuration.yaml to enable the integration from and the add-on.

# Example configuration.yaml entry

    host: core-tellstick
    port: [50800, 50801]

To add lights, sensors and switches you follow the guidelines for each type individually that is described for Home Assistant

The add-on will also enable you to interact with the tdtool via a Home Assistant services call, see example below for self-learning device.


Example for adding more devices in the add-on configuration (note the comma separator between devices):

  "devices": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Outdoor light",
      "protocol": "everflourish",
      "model": "selflearning-switch",
      "house": "A",
      "unit": "1"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Hallway dimmer",
      "protocol": "risingsun",
      "model": "selflearning-dimmer",
      "house": "A",
      "unit": "2"

Service calls

If you wish to teach a selflearning device in your TellStick configuration:

Go to Home Assistant service call in Developer tools and select.

  • Service: hassio.addon_stdin
  • Enter service Data: {"addon":"core_tellstick","input":{"function":"learn","device":"1"}}

Replace 1 with the corresponding ID of the device in your TellStick configuration.

You can also use this to list devices or sensors and read the output in the add-on log: {"addon":"core_tellstick","input":{"function":"list-sensors"}}

Supported service commands

  • "function":"list": List currently configured devices with name and device id and all discovered sensors.

  • "function":"list-sensors"
  • "function":"list-devices": Alternative devices/sensors listing: Shows devices and/or sensors using key=value format (with tabs as separators, one device/sensor per line, no header lines.)

  • "function":"on","device":"x": Turns on device. ’x’ could either be an integer of the device-id, or the name of the device.

  • "function":"off","device":"x": Turns off device. ’x’ could either be an integer of the device-id, or the name of the device.

  • "function":"bell","device":"x": Sends bell command to devices supporting this. ’x’ could either be an integer of the device-id, or the name of the device.

  • "function":"learn","device":"x": Sends a special learn command to devices supporting this. This is normally devices of ’selflearning’ type. ’x’ could either be an integer of the device-id, or the name of the device.