AlarmDecoder Alarm Control Panel

The alarmdecoder alarm control panel platform allows you to control your AlarmDecoder alarms.

The requirement is that you have setup your AlarmDecoder hub.


The Alarm Decoder component gives you access to several services for you to control your alarm with.

  • alarm_arm_away: Arms the alarm in away mode; all faults will trigger the alarm.
  • alarm_arm_home: Arms the alarm in stay mode; faults to the doors or windows will trigger the alarm.
  • alarm_arm_night: Arms the alarm in instant mode; all faults will trigger the alarm. Additionally, the entry delay is turned off on the doors.
  • alarm_disarm: Disarms the alarm from any state. Also clears a check_zone flag after an alarm was triggered.
  • alarmdecoder_alarm_toggle_chime: Toggles the alarm’s chime state.

Note: alarm_arm_custom_bypass and alarm_trigger, while available in the services list in Home Assistant, are not currently implemented in the Alarm Decoder component.


There are several attributes available on the alarm panel to give you more information about your alarm.

  • ac_power: Set to true if your system has AC power supplying it.
  • backlight_on: Set to true if your keypad’s backlight is on.
  • battery_low: Set to true if your system’s back-up battery is low.
  • check_zone: Set to true if your system was recently triggered. When check_zone is true, it must be cleared by entering your code + 1 before attempting to rearm your alarm.
  • chime: Set to true if your system’s chime is activated. When activated, your system will beep anytime a door or window is faulted while the alarm is disarmed.
  • entry_delay_off: Set to true if your system is in “Instant” mode, meaning the alarm will sound on any faults.
  • programming_mode: Set to true if your system is in programming mode.
  • ready: Set to true if your system is ready to be armed. Any faults, including motions sensors, will make this value false.
  • zone_bypassed: Set to true if your system is currently bypassing a zone.


Using a combination of the available services and attributes, you can create switch templates.

Chime Status and Control

- platform: template
      friendly_name: Chime
      value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarm_panel', 'chime', true) }}"
        service: alarm_control_panel.alarmdecoder_alarm_toggle_chime
          code: !secret alarm_code
        service: alarm_control_panel.alarmdecoder_alarm_toggle_chime
          code: !secret alarm_code
      icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarm_panel', 'chime', true) %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}