
The arlo implementation allows you to integrate your Arlo devices in Home Assistant.

To enable device linked in your Arlo account, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  password: secret

Configuration variables:

  • username (Required): The username for accessing your Arlo account.
  • password (Required): The password for accessing your Arlo account.

It is recommended to create a dedicated user on Arlo website to be used within Home Assistant and then share your Arlo cameras.

Finish its configuration by visiting the Arlo sensor page or Arlo camera page or Arlo control panel page.

The Arlo component also provides a service to enable/disable the motion detection sensor. The example below enables the motion detection every time the Home Assistant service starts.

- alias: Enable Arlo upton HA start'
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: homeassistant
    event: start
    service: camera.enable_motion_detection
    entity_id: camera.arlo_frontdoor