Threshold Binary Sensor

The threshold binary sensor platform observes the state of another sensor. If the value is below (lower) or higher (upper) than the given threshold then state of the threshold sensor is changed. It support also a range if lower and upper are given.

If the sensor is configured with no hysteresis and the sensor value is equal to the threshold, the sensor is turned off since it is not lower or upper with respect to the threshold.

It’s an alternative to the template binary sensor’s value_template: to get the abnormal/too high/too low states.

{{ states.sensor.furnace.state > 2.5 }}

To enable the threshold sensor, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: threshold
    entity_id: sensor.random
    lower: 20

Configuration Variables


(entity_id)(Required)The entity to monitor. Only sensors are supported.


(float)(Optional)The lower threshold which the observed value is compared against.


(float)(Optional)The upper threshold which the observed value is compared against.


(float)(Optional)The distance the observed value must be from the threshold before the state is changed.

Default value: 0.0


(string)(Optional)Name of the sensor to use in the frontend.

Default value: