Ecobee Thermostat

To get your Ecobee thermostats working with Home Assistant, follow the instructions for the general Ecobee component.


The Ecobee Thermostat supports the following key concepts.

The target temperature is the temperature that the device attempts to achieve. The target temperature is either determined by the currently active climate or it may be overridden by a hold. When the thermostat is not in auto mode, there is a single target temperature. When the thermostat is in auto operation mode, there is a pair of target temperatures: the lower target temperature determines the lowest desired temperature, while the higher target temperature determines the highest desired temperature (the thermostat will switch between heating and cooling to keep the temperature within these limits).

A climate is a predefined or user-defined set of states that the thermostat aims to achieve. The ecobee thermostat provides three predefined climates: Home, Away, and Sleep. The user can define additional climates.

A hold is an override of the target temperature defined in the currently active climate. The temperature targeted in the hold mode may be explicitly set (temperature hold), it may be derived from a reference climate (home, away, sleep, etc.), or it may be derived from a vacation defined by the thermostat. All holds are temporary. Temperature and climate holds expire when the thermostat transitions to the next climate defined in its program. A vacation hold starts at the beginning of the defined vacation period, and expires when the vacation period ends.

When in away mode, the target temperature is permanently overridden by the target temperature defined for the away climate. The away mode is a simple way to emulate a vacation mode.

The operation mode of the device is the currently active operational modes that the Ecobee thermostat provides: heat, auxHeatOnly, cool, auto, and off.


The following attributes are provided by the Ecobee Thermostat: name, temperature_unit, current_temperature, target_temperature, target_temperature_low, target_temperature_high, desired_fan_mode, fan, current_hold_mode, current_operation, operation_list, operation_mode, mode, fan_min_on_time, device_state_attributes, is_away_mode_on, vacation, climate_list, aux_heat. The attributes min_temp and max_temp are meaningless constant values.

Attribute name

Returns the name of the Ecobee Thermostat.

Attribute type Description
String Name of the Ecobee Thermostat

Attribute temperature_unit

Returns the unit of measurement used for temperature by the thermostat.

Attribute type Description
String Name of the temperature unit

Attribute current_temperature

Returns the current temperature measured by the thermostat.

Attribute type Description
Integer Currently measured temperature

Attribute target_temperature

Returns the target temperature of the thermostat, when the thermostat is not in auto operation mode.

Attribute type Description
Integer Target temperature

Attribute target_temperature_low

Returns the desired heating temperature set in the thermostat when in auto operation mode.

Attribute type Description
Integer Target temperature

Attribute target_temperature_high

Returns the desired cooling temperature set in the thermostat when in auto operation mode.

Attribute type Description
Integer Target temperature

Attribute desired_fan_mode

Returns the desired fan mode of the current operation.

Attribute type Description
String ‘on’, ‘off’

Attribute fan

Returns the current fan state.

Attribute type Description
String ‘on’, ‘off’

Attribute current_hold_mode

Returns the current temperature hold, if any.

Attribute type Description
String ‘temp’, ‘vacation’, ‘home’, ‘away’, etc., None

Attribute current_operation

Returns the current operation of the thermostat.

Attribute type Description
String ‘auto’, ‘cool’, ‘heat’, ‘off’

Attribute operation_list

Returns the list of available operation modes.

Attribute type Description
List of String Available operation modes

Attribute operation_mode

Returns the current operation mode of the thermostat.

Attribute type Description
String Currently active operation mode

Attribute mode

Returns the climate currently active on the thermostat. The mode is returned as the user-visible name (rather than the internally used name).

Attribute fan_min_on_time

Returns the current fan minimum on time.

Attribute type Description
Integer Current fan minimum on time in minutes

Attribute is_away_mode_on

Returns whether the thermostat is in away mode (see the corresponding service for more detail).

Attribute actual humidity

Returns the humidity as measured by the thermostat.

Attribute type Description
Integer Current humidity

Attribute vacation

Returns the currently active vacation or None.

Attribute type Description
String Name of currently active vacation

Attribute climate_list

Returns the list of climates defined in the thermostat.

Attribute aux_heat

Returns the current auxiliary heat state.

Attribute type Description
String ‘on’, ‘off’


The following services are provided by the Ecobee Thermostat: set_away_mode, set_hold_mode, set_temperature, set_operation_mode, fan_min_on_time, resume_program. The services set_aux_heat, set_humidity, set_fan_mode, and set_swing_mode offered by the Climate component are not implemented for this thermostat.

Service set_away_mode

Turns the away mode on or off for the thermostat.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
away_mode no ‘on’ or ‘off’

Service set_hold_mode

Puts the thermostat into the given hold mode. For ‘home’, ‘away’, ‘sleep’, and any other hold based on a reference climate, the target temperature is taken from the reference climate. For ‘temp’, the current temperature is taken as the target temperature. When None is provided as parameter, the hold_mode is turned off. It is not possible to set a vacation hold; such hold has to be defined on the thermostat directly. However, a vacation hold can be canceled.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
hold_mode no ‘temp’, ‘home’, ‘away’, ‘sleep’, etc., None

Service set_temperature

Puts the thermostat into a temporary hold at the given temperature.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
target_temp_low no Desired heating target temperature (when in auto mode)
target_temp_high no Desired cooling target temperature (when in auto mode)
temperature no Desired target temperature (when not in auto mode)

Only the target temperatures relevant for the current operation mode need to be provided.

Service set_operation_mode

Sets the current operation mode of the thermostat.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
operation_mode no ‘auto’, ‘auxHeatOnly’, ‘cool’, ‘heat’, ‘off’

Service fan_min_on_time

Sets the fan minimum on time.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
fan_min_on_time no Desired fan minimum on time

Service resume_program

Resumes the currently active schedule.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_id’s of climate devices to control. Else targets all.
resume_all no true or false