EcoNet water heater

The econet water heater platform is consuming the information provided by a EcoNet enabled Rheem water heater. This component allows you to set the temperature, the operation mode, and enable vaction mode.

To enable the econet water heater platform add the following to your config.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: econet
    username: YOUR_ECONET_EMAIL

Configuration Variables


(string)(Required)The username used to connect to your EcoNet account.


(string)(Required)The password used to connect to your EcoNet account.

Service econet_add_vacation

You can use the service econet/add_vacation to create a new vacation for your EcoNet water heaters.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes The entity id of the water heater to add the vaction to.
start_date yes This is a Unix timestamp for when the vaction should start.
end_date yes this is a Unix timestamp for when the vaction should end.

The Unix timestamps can be obtained from the input_datetime component. This will allow you to graphically set the start and end date.

Service econet_delete_vacation

You can use the service econet/delete_vacation to remove all vactions from an EcoNet water heater.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes The entity id of the water heater to remove the vaction from.