JSON MQTT Device Tracker

The mqtt_json device tracker platform allows you to detect presence by monitoring an MQTT topic for new locations. To use this platform, you specify a unique topic for each device.

To use this device tracker in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: mqtt_json
      paulus_oneplus: location/paulus
      annetherese_n4: location/annetherese

Configuration variables:

  • devices (Required): List of devices with their topic.
  • qos (Optional): The QoS level of the topic.

This platform receives JSON formatted payloads containing GPS information, for example:

{"longitude": 1.0,"gps_accuracy": 60,"latitude": 2.0,"battery_level": 99.9}

Where longitude is the longitude, latitude is the latitude, gps_accuracy is the accuracy in meters, battery_level is the current battery level of the device sending the update. longitude and latitude are required keys, gps_accuracy and battery_level are optional.