
Before 0.56 this component was named apiai.

The dialogflow component is designed to be used with the webhook integration of Dialogflow. When a conversation ends with a user, Dialogflow sends an action and parameters to the webhook.

Dialogflow requires a public endpoint (HTTPS recommended), so your Home Assistant should be exposed to the Internet. Dialogflow will return fallback answers if your server does not answer or takes too long (more than 5 seconds).

Dialogflow could be integrated with many popular messaging, virtual assistant and IoT platforms.

Using Dialogflow will be easy to create conversations like:

User: What is the temperature at home?

Bot: The temperature is 34 degrees

User: Turn on the light

Bot: In which room?

User: In the kitchen

Bot: Turning on kitchen light

To use this integration, you should define a conversation (intent) in Dialogflow, configure Home Assistant with the speech to return and, optionally, the action to execute.

Configuring your Dialogflow account

  • Login with your Google account
  • Click on “Create Agent”
  • Select name, language (if you are planning to use Google Actions check their supported languages) and time zone
  • Click “Save”
  • Go to “Fulfillment” (in the left menu)
  • Enable Webhook and set your Home Assistant URL with the Dialogflow endpoint, e.g. https://myhome.duckdns.org/api/dialogflow?api_password=HA_PASSWORD
  • Click “Save”
  • Create a new intent
  • Below “User says” write one phrase that you, the user, will tell Dialogflow, e.g. What is the temperature at home?
  • In “Action” set some key (this will be the bind with Home Assistant configuration), eg.: GetTemperature
  • In “Response” set “Cannot connect to Home Assistant or it is taking to long” (fall back response)
  • At the end of the page, click on “Fulfillment” and check “Use webhook”
  • Click “Save”
  • On the top right, where is written “Try it now…”, write, or say, the phrase you have previously defined and hit enter
  • Dialogflow has send a request to your Home Assistant server

Take a look to “Integrations”, in the left menu, to configure third parties.

Configuring Home Assistant

When activated, the alexa component will have Home Assistant’s native intent support handle the incoming intents. If you want to run actions based on intents, use the intent_script component.


Download this zip and load it in your Dialogflow agent (Settings -> Export and Import) for examples intents to use with this configuration:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

      text: The temperature at home is {{ states('sensor.home_temp') }} degrees
      text: >
        {%- for state in states.device_tracker -%}
          {%- if state.name.lower() == User.lower() -%}
            {{ state.name }} is at {{ state.state }}
          {%- elif loop.last -%}
            I am sorry, I do not know where {{ User }} is.
          {%- endif -%}
        {%- else -%}
          Sorry, I don't have any trackers registered.
        {%- endfor -%}
      text: >
        {%- if is_state('device_tracker.adri', 'home') and
               is_state('device_tracker.bea', 'home') -%}
          You are both home, you silly
        {%- else -%}
          Bea is at {{ states("device_tracker.bea") }}
          and Adri is at {{ states("device_tracker.adri") }}
        {% endif %}
      text: Turning {{ Room }} lights {{ OnOff }}
      - service: notify.pushbullet
          message: Someone asked via apiai to turn {{ Room }} lights {{ OnOff }}
      - service_template: >
          {%- if OnOff == "on" -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          entity_id: "switch.light_{{ Room | replace(' ', '_') }}"