
The downloader component provides a service to download files. It will raise an error and not continue to set itself up when the download directory does not exist. The directory needs to be writable for the user that is running Home Assistant.

To enable it, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  download_dir: downloads

Configuration variables:

  • download_dir (Required): If the path is not absolute, it’s assumed to be relative to the Home Assistant configuration directory (eg. .homeassistant/downloads).

Use the service

Go to the “Developer Tools”, then to “Call Service”, and choose downloader/download_file from the list of available services. Fill the “Service Data” field as shown in the example below and hit “CALL SERVICE”.


This will download the file from the given URL.

Service data attribute Optional Description
url no The URL of the file to download.
subdir yes Download into subdirectory of download_dir
filename yes Determine the filename.
overwrite yes Whether to overwrite the file or not, defaults to false.