
Manything is a smart app that turns your Android device, iPhone, iPod, or iPad into a WiFi camera for monitoring your home, your pets, anything! Comes with live streaming, motion activated alerts, cloud video recording, and more.

To get manything support, HA will use IFTTT’s Maker Channel and the ManyThing Channel. Use the IFTTT Setup instructions to activate the IFTTT Platform.

After setting up IFTTT, Maker Channel and ManyThing Channel, you can use the following examples to configure Home Assistant.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - alias: 'ManyThing Recording ON'
    # This calls an IFTTT recipe to turn on recording of the ManyThing Camera
    # if we leave the house during the day.
      - platform: state
        entity_id: group.all_devices
        to: 'not_home'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sun.sun
        state: 'above_horizon'
      service: ifttt.trigger
      data: {"event":"manything_on"}

  - alias: 'ManyThing Recording OFF'
    # This calls an IFTTT recipe to turn off recording of the ManyThing Camera
    # when we get home unless it's nighttime.
      - platform: state
        entity_id: group.all_devices
        to: 'home'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sun.sun
        state: 'above_horizon'
      service: ifttt.trigger
      data: {"event":"manything_off"}

Setting up a recipe

You need to setup a unique trigger for each event you sent to IFTTT. For ManyThing support, you need to set up an on and off event.

Testing your trigger

You can use the developer tools to test your Maker Channel trigger. To do this, open the Home Assistant UI, open the sidebar, click on the first icon in the developer tools. This should get you to the ‘Call Service’ screen. Fill in the following values:

Field Value
domain ifttt
service trigger
Service Data {"event": "manything_on"}