Light Group

The group light platform lets you combine multiple lights into one entity. All child lights of a light group can still be used as usual, but controlling the state of the grouped light will forward the command to each child light.

To enable this platform in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: group
    name: Kitchen Lights
      - light.kitchen_ceiling_lights
      - light.kitchen_under_cabinet_lights
      - light.kitchen_spot_lights
      - light.pendant_lights

Configuration Variables


(string)(Optional)The name of the light group. Defaults to “Light Group”.


(string list)(Required)A list of entities to be included in the light group.

Example of the light group “Kitchen Lights”.

The supported features of all lights will be added together. For example, if you have one RGB light in a group of otherwise brightness-only lights, the light group will be shown with a color picker.