Media Player

Interacts with media players on your network. Please check the sidebar for a full list of supported devices.


Media control services

Available services: turn_on, turn_off, toggle, volume_up, volume_down, volume_set, media_play_pause, media_play, media_pause, media_stop, media_next_track, media_previous_track, clear_playlist, shuffle_set

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. Defaults to all.

Service media_player.volume_mute

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. Defaults to all.
is_volume_muted no True/false for mute/unmute

Service media_player/volume_set

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. Defaults to all.
volume_level no Float for volume level

Service media_player.media_seek

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. Defaults to all.
seek_position no Position to seek to. The format is platform dependent.

Service media_player.play_media

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. Defaults to all.
media_content_id no A media identifier. The format of this is component dependent. For example, you can provide URLs to Sonos and Cast but only a playlist ID to iTunes.
media_content_type no A media type. Must be one of music, tvshow, video, episode, channel or playlist. For example, to play music you would set media_content_type to music.

Service media_player.select_source

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Target a specific media player. Defaults to all.
source no Name of the source to switch to. Platform dependent.

Service media_player.shuffle_set

Currently only supported on Spotify, MPD, Kodi, Squeezebox and Universal.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no Target a specific media player. For example media_player.spotify
shuffle no true/false for enabling/disabling shuffle