Yamaha Network Receivers

The yamaha platform allows you to control Yamaha Network Receivers from Home Assistant.

Supported devices:

  • HTR-4065
  • RX-V473
  • RX-V573
  • RX-V673
  • RX-V773
  • And more

To add a Yamaha Network Receiver to your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: yamaha

Configuration variables:

  • name (Optional): Name of the device. This overrides the default name (often model number) that is returned by the device.
  • host (Optional): IP address or hostname of the device
  • source_ignore (Optional): List of sources to hide in the front-end
  • source_names (Optional): Mapping of internal AVR source names to custom ones, allowing one to rename e.g. HDMI1 to ChromeCast
  • zone_ignore (Optional): List of zones to hide in the front-end
  • zone_names (Optional): Mapping of zone names to custom ones, allowing one to rename e.g. Main_Zone to Family Room

Discovery notes

  • If the discovery component is enabled, all units on the network will be discovered using UPNP.
  • For receivers that support more than one zone, Home Assistant will add one media player per zone supported by the player, named “$name Zone 2” and “$name Zone 3”.
  • If you specify host manually, you must enable network standby on your receiver, or else startup of Home Assistant will hang if you have your receiver switched off.
  • In some cases, auto-discovery fails due to a known bug in the receiver’s firmware. It is possible to manually specify the receiver’s IP address or via its hostname (if it is discoverable by your DNS) then.

Supported operations

  • Media players created by yamaha support powering on/off, mute, volume control and source selection. Playback controls, for instance play and stop are available for sources that supports it.
  • The play_media service is implemented for NET RADIO source only. The media_id is a > separated string of the menu path on the vtuner service. For instance Bookmarks>Internet>WAMC 90.3 FM.

Example configuration

A full configuration example will look like the sample below:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: yamaha
      - "AUX"
      - "HDMI6"
      HDMI1: "ChromeCast"
      AV4: "Vinyl"
      - "Zone_2"
      Main_Zone: "Family Room"

Example play_media script

The play_media function can be used in scripts easily to build media player presets. When done in scripts, the sequence will also allow you to set volume per source.

# Example play_media script
# This is for an environment where Zone 2 of the receiver named
# `Living Room Stereo` drives outdoor speakers on the porch.
    alias: "Radio Paradise Porch"
      - service: media_player.turn_on
          entity_id: media_player.living_room_stereo_zone_2
      - service: media_player.volume_set
          entity_id: media_player.living_room_stereo_zone_2
          volume_level: 0.48
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.living_room_stereo_zone_2
          media_content_type: "NET RADIO"
          media_content_id: "Bookmarks>Internet>Radio Paradise"

Service yamaha_enable_output

Enable or disable an output port (HDMI) on the receiver.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of Yamaha receivers.
port no Port to enable or disable, e.g. hdmi1.
enabled no To enable set true, otherwise set to false.