
The Nest component is the main component to integrate all Nest related platforms. To connect Nest, you will have to sign up for a developer account and get a client_id and client_secret.

Setting up developer account

  1. Visit Nest Developers, and sign in. Create an account if you don’t have one already.
  2. Fill in account details:
    • The “Company Information” can be anything. We recommend using your name.
  3. Submit changes
  4. Click “Products” at top of page.
  5. Click “Create New Product
  6. Fill in details:
    • Product name must be unique. We recommend [email] - Home Assistant.
    • The description, users, URLs can all be anything you want.
    • Leave the “Redirect URI” Field blank
  7. For permissions check every box and if it’s an option select the read/write option.
    • The description requires a specific format to be accepted.
    • Use “[Home Assistant] [Edit] [For Home Automation]” as the description as it is not super important.
  8. Click “Create Product”
  9. Once the new product page opens the “Product ID” and “Product Secret” are located on the right side. These will be used as client_id and client_secret below.
  10. Once Home Assistant is started, a configurator will pop up asking you to log into your Nest account and copy a PIN code into Home Assistant.

Connecting to the Nest Developer API requires outbound port 9553 on your firewall. The configuration will fail if this is not accessible.


# Example configuration.yaml entry
  client_id: CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET
# Example configuration.yaml entry to show only devices at your vacation and primary homes
  client_id: CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET
    - Vacation
    - Primary

Configuration variables:

  • client_id (Required): Your Nest developer client ID.
  • client_secret (Required): Your Nest developer client secret.
  • structure (Optional): The structure or structures you would like to include devices from. If not specified, this will include all structures in your Nest account.


Currently there is a single nest.set_mode service available to switch between “away” and “home” modes. This service requires a home_mode param and has an optional structure param.

# Example script to set away, no structure specified so will execute for all
    - service: nest.set_mode
        home_mode: away
# Example script to set home, structure specified
    - service: nest.set_mode
        home_mode: home
          - Building