
The slack platform allows you to deliver notifications from Home Assistant to Slack.

If you are planning to use Slack as yourself then you need to obtain a Slack API token to be able to send notifications.

It is also possible to use Slack bots as users. Just create a new bot at https://[YOUR_TEAM] and use the provided token for that. You can add an icon from the frontend for Home Assistant and give the bot a meaningful name.

Don’t forget to invite the bot to the room where you want to get the notifications.

To enable the Slack notification in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    platform: slack
    default_channel: '#general'

Configuration variables:

  • name (Optional): Setting the optional parameter name allows multiple notifiers to be created. The default value is notify. The notifier will bind to the service notify.NOTIFIER_NAME.
  • api_key (Required): The Slack API token to use for sending Slack messages.
  • default_channel (Required): The default channel to post to if no channel is explicitly specified when sending the notification message. A channel can be specified adding a target attribute to the json at the same level as “message”
  • username (Optional): Setting username will allow Home Assistant to post to Slack using the username specified. By default not setting this will post to Slack using the user account or botname that you generated the api_key as.
  • icon (Optional): Use one of the Slack emojis as an Icon for the supplied username. Slack uses the standard emoji sets used here.

Slack service data

The following attributes can be placed inside data for extended functionality.

Service data attribute Optional Description
file yes Groups the attributes for file upload. If present, either url or path have to be provided.
path yes Local path of file, photo etc to post to slack. Is placed inside file.
url yes URL of file, photo etc to post to slack. Is placed inside file.
username yes Username if the url requires authentication. Is placed inside file.
password yes Password if the url requires authentication. Is placed inside file.
auth yes If set to digest HTTP-Digest-Authentication is used. If missing HTTP-BASIC-Authentication is used. Is placed inside file.
attachments yes Array of Slack attachments. See the attachment documentation for how to format. NOTE: if using attachments, they are shown in addition to message

Example for posting file from URL:

  "message":"Message that will be added as a comment to the file.",
  "title":"Title of the file.",
  "target": ["#channelname"], 
      "url":"http://[url to file, photo, security camera etc]",
      "username":"optional user, if necessary",
      "password":"optional password, if necessary",

Example for posting file from local path:

  "message":"Message that will be added as a comment to the file.",
  "title":"Title of the file.",

Please note that path is validated against the whitelist_external_dirs in the configuration.yaml.

Example for posting formatted attachment:

  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "attachments": [
        "image_url": ""

Please note that both message is a required key, but is always shown, so use an empty ("") string for message if you don’t want the extra text.

To use notifications, please see the getting started with automation page.