Persistent notification

The persistent_notification can be used to show a message on the frontend that has to be dismissed by the user.


The service persistent_notification/create takes in message, title, and notification_id.

Service data attribute Optional Description
message no Body of the notification.
title yes Title of the notification.
notification_id yes If notification_id is given, it will overwrite the notification if there already was a notification with that ID.

The persistent_notification component supports specifying templates for both the message and the title. This will allow you to use the current state of Home Assistant in your notifications.

In an action of your automation setup it could look like this with a customized subject.

  service: persistent_notification.create
    message: "Your message goes here"
    title: "Custom subject"

The service persistent_notification/dismiss requires a notification_id.

Service data attribute Optional Description
notification_id no the notification_id is required to identify the notification that should be removed.

This service allows you to remove a notifications by script or automation.

  service: persistent_notification.dismiss
    notification_id: "1234"

Create a persistent notification

Choose service developer tool icon Services from the Developer Tools to call the persistent_notification service. Select persistent_notification/create from the list of Available services: and enter something like the sample below into the Service Data field and hit CALL SERVICE.

  "notification_id": "1234",
  "title": "Sample notification",
  "message": "This is a sample text"

This will create the notification entry shown above.