Broadlink RM2 and A1 sensor

The broadlink sensor platform let you monitor data from an RM2 and A1 E-air. There is currently no support for the cloud API.

To enable it, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: broadlink
    host: IP_ADDRESS
    mac: 'MAC_ADDRESS'
      - 'temperature'

Configuration options:

  • host (Required): The hostname/IP address to connect to.
  • mac (Required): Device mac address.
  • name (Optional): Default BL. Sensor name
  • update_interval (Optional): Time in seconds to fetch data from sensors. Default 300.
  • timeout (Optional): Timeout in seconds for the connection to the device.
  • monitored_conditions array (Required): States to monitor.
    • ‘temperature’
    • ‘humidity’
    • ‘air_quality’
    • ‘light’
    • ‘noise’

To set it up, add the following information to your configuration.yaml file:

Obtain sensor data from an A1:

  - platform: broadlink
    update_interval: 60
    host: IP_ADDRESS
    mac: 'MAC_ADDRESS'
      - temperature
      - humidity
      - air_quality
      - light
      - noise

Obtain temperature data from an RM2:

  - platform: broadlink
    update_interval: 60
    host: IP_ADDRESS
    mac: 'MAC_ADDRESS'
      - temperature

Microsoft Windows installation

The pycrypto library needs to be available on your platform. On a typical windows sysytem pip install pycrypto will fail, as a compiler needs to be installed first.

The quickest way around this is to use a pre-built binary, e.g. from

Be sure to get the correct 64 or 32-bit binary for your system, the full command line will look something like the sample below for a 64-bit system:

pip install --use-wheel --no-index --find-links= pycrypto