Integrate your Efergy meter information into Home Assistant. To get an app token:
Log in to your efergy account
Go to the Settings page
Click on App tokens
Click “Add token”
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- platform: efergy
app_token: APP_TOKEN
utc_offset: UTC_OFFSET
- type: instant_readings
- type: budget
- type: cost
period: day
currency: $
- type: amount
period: day
- type: current_values
Configuration variables:
- app_token (Required): The App Token for your account.
- utc_offset (Required): Some variables (currently only the daily_cost) require that the negative number of minutes your timezone is ahead/behind UTC time.
- monitored_variables array (Required): Variables to monitor.
- type (Required): Name of the variable.
- instant_readings: Instant energy consumption.
- budget: Monthly budget.
- cost: The cost for energy consumption (with the tariff that has been set in Efergy) over a given period.
- amount: The amount of energy consumed over a given period.
- current_values: This returns the current energy usage of each device on your account, as efergy_<sid of device>. If you only have one device in your account, this is effectively the same as instant_readings.
- period (Optional): Some variables take a period argument. Valid options are “day”, “week”, “month”, and “year”.
- currency (Optional): This is used to display the cost/period as the unit when monitoring the cost. It should correspond to the actual currency used in your dashboard.
- type (Required): Name of the variable.