Mi Flora plant sensor

The miflora sensor platform allows one to monitor plants. The Mi Flora plant sensor is a small Bluetooth Low Energy device that monitors not only the moisture but also light, temperature, and conductivity. As only a single BLE device can be polled at the same time, the library implements locking to make sure this is the case.


Depending on the operating system you’re running, you have to configure the proper Bluetooth backend on your system:

  • On Hass.io: Miflora will work out of the box.
  • On other Linux systems:
    • Preferred solution: Install the bluepy library (via pip). When using a virtual environment, make sure to use install the library in the right one.    - Fallback solution: Install gatttool via your package manager. Depending on the distribution, the package name might be: bluez, bluetooth, bluez-deprecated
  • Windows and MacOS are currently not supported by the miflora library.


Start a scan to determine the MAC addresses of the sensor:

$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
F8:04:33:AF:AB:A2 [TV] UE48JU6580
C4:D3:8C:12:4C:57 Flower mate

Or if your distribution is using bluetoothctl:

$ bluetoothctl 
[bluetooth]# scan on
[NEW] Controller <your Bluetooth adapter> [default]
[NEW] F8:04:33:AF:AB:A2 [TV] UE48JU6580
[NEW] C4:D3:8C:12:4C:57 Flower mate

Check for Flower care or Flower mate entries, those are your sensor.

To use your Mi Flora plant sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: miflora
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
      - temperature
  • mac (Required): The MAC address of your sensor.
  • monitored_conditions array (Optional): The parameters that should be monitored (defaults to monitoring all parameters).
    • moisture: Moisture in the soil.
    • light: Brightness at the sensor’s location.
    • temperature: Temperature at the sensor’s location.
    • conductivity: Conductivity in the soil.
    • battery: Battery details.
  • name (Optional): The name displayed in the frontend.
  • force_update (Optional): Sends update events even if the value hasn’t changed.
  • median (Optional): Sometimes the sensor measurements show spikes. Using this parameter, the poller will report the median of the last 3 (you can also use larger values) measurements. This filters out single spikes. Median: 5 will also filter double spikes. If you never have problems with spikes, median: 1 will work fine.
  • timeout (Optional): Define the timeout value in seconds when polling (defaults to 10 if not defined)
  • retries (Optional): Define the number of retries when polling (defaults to 2 if not defined)
  • cache_value (Optional): Define cache expiration value in seconds (defaults to 1200 if not defined)
  • adapter (Optional): Define the Bluetooth adapter to use (defaults to hci0). Run hciconfig to get a list of available adapters.

Note that by default the sensor is only polled once every 15 minutes. This means with the median: 3 setting will take as least 30 minutes before the sensor will report a value after a Home Assistant restart. As the values usually change very slowly, this isn’t a big problem. Reducing polling intervals will have a negative effect on the battery life.

A full configuration example could look like the one below:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: miflora
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    name: Flower 1
    force_update: false
    median: 3
      - moisture
      - light
      - temperature
      - conductivity
      - battery