
The mopar sensor provides the following for owners of FCA vehicles with a uConnect subscription:

  • Sensor per vehicle with vehicle health report and other meta-data
  • Service for remote commands: Lock/unlock, Engine on/off, Horn & lights

Be sure you have a account with your vehicle(s) registered by VIN. You must also have a current uConnect subscription.

To enable this sensor, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml.

  - platform: mopar
    username: < username>
    password: < password>
    pin: <uconnect pin>

Configuration options for the Mopar sensor:

  • username (Required): Your username.
  • password (Required): Your password.
  • pin (Required): Your uConnect pin.


Call the sensor.mopar_remote_command service to perform a remote command on your vehicle.

  • vehicle_index (Required): vehicle_index attribute found on sensor.
  • command (Required): One of lock/unlock/engineon/engineoff/horn.

Example data:

  "vehicle_index": 0,
  "command": "unlock"