
The pollen sensor platform collects and displays allergy and disease information (based on a U.S. ZIP code) from Pollen.com. Data measured includes:

  • Indicies for allergies and cold/flu measurements
  • Trends
  • Current outlook
  • more!

Configuring the Platform

To integrate pollen into Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file (adjusting the monitored_conditions list to your liking):

  platform: pollen
  zip_code: "00544"
    - allergy_average_forecasted
    - allergy_average_historical
    - allergy_index_today
    - allergy_index_tomorrow
    - allergy_index_yesterday
    - disease_average_forecasted

Configuration Variables


(string)(Required)the U.S. ZIP code to gather data for (as a quoted string)


(list)(Required)the metric types to monitor; valid values are specified below

It is important to ensure the ZIP code is quoted if it starts with a 0. Unquoted ZIP codes that start with 0 will cause errors.

Available Metrics

The following metrics can be monitored:

  • Allergy Index: Forecasted Average (allergy_average_forecasted): the average forecasted allergy index over the next 5 days
  • Allergy Index: Historical Average (allergy_average_historical): the average historical allergy index over the past 30 days
  • Allergy Index: Today (allergy_index_today): the allergy index for today
  • Allergy Index: Tomorrow (allergy_index_tomorrow): the allergy index for tomorrow
  • Allergy Index: Yesterday (allergy_index_yesterday): the allergy index for yesterday
  • Cold & Flu: Forecasted Average (disease_average_forecasted): the average forecasted cold/flu index over the next 5 days

Understanding the Indices

Any index-related sensor will have a value between 0.0 and 12.0. The values map to the following human-friendly ratings:

Range Rating
0.0 - 2.4 Low
2.5 - 4.8 Low/Medium
4.9 - 7.2 Medium
7.3 - 9.6 Medium/High
9.7 - 12.0 High