QNAP Sensor

This qnap sensor allows getting various statistics from your QNAP NAS.

To use the qnap sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yml entry
  - platform: qnap
    username: USERNAME
    password: PASSWORD
      - status
      - cpu_usage
      - memory_percent_used
      - network_tx
      - volume_percentage_used

Configuration variables:

  • host (Required): The IP address of the QNAP NAS to monitor
  • port (Optional): The port number on which the QNAP NAS web interface is reachable. Defaults to 8080.
  • ssl (Optional): Whether to connect via https. Defaults to false.
  • verify_ssl (Optional): Whether SSL certificates should be validated. Defaults to true.
  • timeout (Optional): How long (in seconds) to wait for a response from the QNAP device before giving up. Defaults to 10.
  • username (Required): An user to connect to the QNAP NAS.
  • password (Required): The password of the user to connect to the QNAP NAS.
  • drives (Optional): Array of drives to monitor (ex: 0:1). Defaults to all drives.
  • volumes (Optional): Array of volumes to monitor (ex: DataVol1). Defaults to all volumes.
  • nics (Optional): Array of network interfaces to monitor (ex: eth0). Defaults to all NICs.
  • monitored_conditions (Required): Defines the stats to monitor as sensors.
    • status: Displays overall system health.
    • system_temp: Displays the overall system temperature.
    • cpu_temp: Displays the CPU’s temperature.
    • cpu_usage: Displays the CPU’s utilization as a percentage.
    • memory_free: Displays the size of available RAM in GB.
    • memory_used: Displays the size of used RAM in GB.
    • memory_percent_used: Displays the size of used RAM as a percentage of total RAM.
    • network_link_status: Displays whether the network interfaces is up (creates a new entry for each interface).
    • network_tx: Displays the upload speed of a network interface in MB/s (creates a new entry for each interface).
    • network_rx: Displays the download speed of a network interface in MB/s (creates a new entry for each interface).
    • drive_smart_status: Displays the S.M.A.R.T. status of the drive (creates a new entry for each drive).
    • drive_temp: Displays the temperature of the drive (creates a new entry for each drive).
    • volume_size_free: Displays the available space of the volume in GB (creates a new entry for each volume).
    • volume_size_used: Displays the used space of the volume in GB (creates a new entry for each volume).
    • volume_percentage_used: Displays the used space of the volume as a percentage (creates a new entry for each volume).

Self-signed certificates

If your QNAP device uses self-signed certificates, set the verify_ssl option to false.

QNAP device support:

This component has been tested on the following devices:

  • TS-259 Pro+ (QTS 4.2.6)
  • TS-410 (QTS 4.2.3)
  • TS-419 (QTS 4.2.3)
  • TS-451 (QTS 4.2.2)
  • TS-470 (QTS 4.2.2)
  • TS-639 (QTS 4.2.3)

Other QNAP NAS devices using similar firmware should work fine. For more information about supported devices, or to report issues with your device, please visit the qnapstats project.