Spot Crime

The spotcrime sensor allows one to track reported incidents occurring in a given area. Incidents include anything reported to Spot Crime. Your regional emergency services may or may not report data. The sensor defaults to counting incidents within one day, but can be customized via configuration.yaml.


To enable this sensor, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml. Your radius should be of sufficient size to capture incidents in your area. 0.01 = 1 mile.

  - platform: spotcrime
    name: <any name>
    radius: <your radius>
    days: <your days>

Configuration options for the Crime Reports Sensor:

  • name (Required): Name the sensor whatever you want.
  • radius (Required): Radius in miles.
  • days (Optional): Defaults to 1 day.
  • latitude (Optional): Defaults to your home zone latitude.
  • longitude (Optional): Defaults to your home zone longitude.
  • include (Optional): List of incident types to include.
  • exclude (Optional): List of incident types to exclude.


Incident Types

You can explicitly include or exclude incident types. Specifying includes restricts the incidents to those types. Specifying excludes will return all incident types except those specified.

These incident types are available:

  • Arrest
  • Arson
  • Assault
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Shooting
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Other


The crimealerts sensor fires a crimealerts_incident event when a new incident is detected, including the type, time, and location of the incident.