SNMP Switch

The snmp switch platform allows you to control SNMP-enabled equipment.

Currently, only SNMP OIDs that accept integer values are supported. SNMP v1 and v2c are supported. SNMP v3 is not supported.

To use an SNMP switch in your installation:

# Example configuration.yaml entry:
  - platform: snmp

Configuration variables:

  • baseoid (Required): The SNMP BaseOID which to poll for the state of the switch.
  • command_oid (Optional): The SNMP OID which to set in order to turn the switch on and off, if different from baseoid.
  • host (Optional): The IP/host which to control. Defaults to localhost.
  • port (Optional): The port on which to communicate. Defaults to 161.
  • community (Optional): community string to use for authentication. Defaults to private.
  • version (Optional): SNMP version to use - either 1 or 2c. Defaults to 1.
  • payload_on (Optional): What return value represents an On state for the switch. The same value is used in writes to turn on the switch if command_payload_on is not set. Defaults to 1.
  • payload_off (Optional): What return value represents an Off state for the switch. The same value is used in writes to turn off the switch if command_payload_off is not set. Defaults to 0.
  • command_payload_on (Optional): The value to write to turn on the switch, if different from payload_on.
  • command_payload_off (Optional): The value to write to turn off the switch, if different from payload_off.

You should check with your device’s vendor to find out the correct BaseOID and what values turn the switch on and off.

A complete example:

  - platform: snmp
    name: SNMP switch
    community: private
    payload_on: 1
    payload_off: 0