Dark Sky

The darksky platform uses the Dark Sky web service as a source for meteorological data for your location.

You need an API key which is free but requires registration. The free tier allows up to 1000 calls per day, this platform updates at most every 3 minutes, using up to 480 of those calls.

Dark Sky will charge you $0.0001 per API call if you enter your credit card details and create more than 1000 calls per day.

To add Dark Sky to your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: darksky
    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY

Configuration Variables


(string)(Required)Your API key for Dark Sky.


(number)(Optional)Manually specify latitude. By default the value will be taken from the Home Assistant configuration.

Default value: Provided by Home Assistant configuration


(number)(Optional)Manually specify longitude. By default the value will be taken from the Home Assistant configuration.

Default value: Provided by Home Assistant configuration


(string)(Optional)Manually specify unit system. Valid values are: auto, us, si, ca, uk and uk2.

Default value: si if Home Assistant unit system is metric, us if imperial.


(string)(Optional)Name to use in the frontend.

Default value: Open Sky

This platform is an alternative to the darksky sensor.

Details about the API are available in the Dark Sky documentation.