
Wink is a home automation hub that can control a whole wide range of devices on the market. Or, as they say in their own words:

Wink offers one, quick and simple way to connect people with the products they rely on every day in their home.

Home Assistant integrates with the Wink API and automatically sets up any switches, lights, locks, fans, climate devices (thermostats, air conditioners, and water heaters), covers, sensors, alarms, and sirens.

Check the related components pages for actual devices that are supported.

Authenticate using

You need to setup a developer account with Wink. This process can take a few days to get approved.

Wink requests three pieces of information from the user when they sign up for a developer account.

  1. Name: This can be anything, for example “Home Assistant”
  2. Website: The external address of your Home Assistant instance. If not externally accessible you can use your email address.
  3. Redirect URI: This should be “” replacing the IP with the internal IP of your Home Assistant box.

No settings are required in the configuration.yaml other than wink: this is because you will be guided through setup via the configurator on the frontend.

When using the configurator make sure the initial setup is performed on the same local network as the Home Assistant server, if not from the same box Home Assistant is running on. This will allow for authentication redirects to happen correctly.


Full oauth authentication (legacy).

This should be used for users that obtained their client_id and client_secret via email from Wink support prior to’s existence.

  client_id: YOUR_WINK_CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: YOUR_WINK_CLIENT_SECRET

Configuration variables:

  • email (Required for legacy OAuth): Your Wink login email.
  • password (Required for legacy OAuth): Your Wink login password.
  • client_id (Required for legacy OAuth): Your provided Wink client_id.
  • client_secret (Required for legacy OAuth): Your provided Wink client_secret.
  • local_control (Optional): If set to True state changes for lights, locks, and switches will be issued to the local hub.

Local control:

  • Wink’s local control API isn’t officially documented and therefore could be broken by a hub update. For these reasons local_control defaults to False.

  • Using local control doesn’t appear to make commands any quicker, but does function in an internet/Wink outage.

  • Local control is also only available for the Wink hub v1 and v2, not the Wink relay.

  • Local control isn’t used during start-up of Home Assistant; this means initial setup requires an active internet connection.

  • Local control requests are first sent to the controlling hub. If a request fails, that request will attempt to go online.

It is possible for the hub to get into a bad state where it stops accepting local control request. If this happens, you will notice requests taking significantly longer as they are redirected online. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it appears to be resolved by rebooting the hub. The following error will be logged if the hub is rejecting local requests. Error sending local control request. Sending request online

Service refresh_state_from_wink

The Wink component only obtains the device states from the Wink API once, during startup. All updates after that are pushed via a third party called PubNub. On rare occasions where an update isn’t pushed device states can be out of sync.

You can use the service wink/refresh_state_from_wink to pull the most recent state from the Wink API for all devices. If local_control is set to True states will be pulled from the devices controlling hub, not the online API.

Service pull_newly_added_devices_from_wink

You can use the service wink/add_new_devices to pull any newly paired Wink devices to an already running instance of Home-Assistant. Any new devices will also be added if Home-Assistant is restarted.

Service delete_wink_device

You can use the service wink/delete_wink_device to remove/unpair a device from Wink.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no String that points at the entity_id of device to delete.

Service pair_new_device

You can use the service wink/pair_new_device to pair a new device to your Wink hub/relay

Service data attribute Optional Description
hub_name no The name of the hub to pair a new device to.
pairing_mode no One of the following [zigbee, zwave, zwave_exclusion, zwave_network_rediscovery, lutron, bluetooth, kidde]
kidde_radio_code conditional A string of 8 1s and 0s one for each dip switch on the kidde device left –> right = 1 –> 8 (Required if pairing_mode = kidde)

Calling service wink/pull_newly_added_wink_devices after a device is paired will add that new device to Home Assistant. The device will also show up on the next restart of Home Assistant.

Service rename_wink_device

You can use the service wink/rename_wink_device to change the name of a device.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id no String that points at the entity_id of device to rename.
name no The name to change it to.

Home Assistant entity_ids for Wink devices are based on the Wink device’s name. Calling this service will not change the entity_id of the deivce until Home Assistant is restarted.

The Wink hub, by default, can only be accessed via the cloud. This means it requires an active internet connection and you will experience delays when controlling and updating devices (~3s).

Custom Wink devices and their services

  • GoControl siren and strobe
  • Dome siren/chime/strobe

Service set_siren_auto_shutoff

You can use the service wink/set_siren_auto_shutoff to set how long the siren will sound before shuting off.

Service data attribute Optional Description
auto_shutoff no Int. One of [None, -1, 30, 60, 120] (None and -1 are forever. Use None for gocontrol, and -1 for Dome)
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of siren.


      - service: wink.set_siren_auto_shutoff
          auto_shutoff: 60

The following services only work with the Dome siren/chime.

Service set_chime_volume

You can use the service wink/set_chime_volume to set the volume for the chime on your Dome siren/chime.

Service data attribute Optional Description
volume no String. One of [“low”, “medium”, “high”]
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of siren/chime.


      - service: wink.set_chime_volume
          volume: "low"

Service set_siren_volume

You can use the service wink/set_chime_volume to set the volume for the chime on your Dome siren/chime.

Service data attribute Optional Description
volume no String. One of [“low”, “medium”, “high”]
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of siren/chime.


      - service: wink.set_siren_volume
          volume: "low"

Service enable_chime

You can use the service wink/enable_chime to set the tone and enable the chime on your Dome siren/chime.

Service data attribute Optional Description
tone no String. One of [“doorbell”, “fur_elise”, “doorbell_extended”, “alert”, “william_tell”, “rondo_alla_turca”, “police_siren”, “evacuation”, “beep_beep”, “beep”, “inactive”]
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of siren/chime.


      - service: wink.enable_chime
          tone: "doorbell"

Service set_siren_tone

You can use the service wink/set_siren_tone to set the tone on your Dome siren. This tone will be used the next time the siren is executed.

Service data attribute Optional Description
tone no String. One of [“doorbell”, “fur_elise”, “doorbell_extended”, “alert”, “william_tell”, “rondo_alla_turca”, “police_siren”, “evacuation”, “beep_beep”, “beep”]
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of siren/chime.


      - service: wink.set_siren_tone
          tone: "alert"

Service set_siren_strobe_enabled

You can use the service wink/set_siren_strobe_enabled to enable or disable the strobe when the siren is executed.

Service data attribute Optional Description
enabled no Boolean. True or False.
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of siren/chime.


      - service: wink.set_siren_strobe_enabled
          enabled: False

Service set_chime_strobe_enabled

You can use the service wink/set_chime_strobe_enabled to enable or disable the strobe when the chime is executed.

Service data attribute Optional Description
enabled no Boolean. True or False.
entity_id yes String or list of strings that point at entity_ids of chime/chime.


      - service: wink.set_chime_strobe_enabled
          enabled: False