
The zeroconf component exposes your Home Assistant to the local network using Zeroconf. Zeroconf is also sometimes known as Bonjour, Rendezvous, and Avahi.

To integrate this into Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

The registration will include meta-data about the Home Assistant instance, including a base URL that can be used to access Home Assistant, the currently running Home Assistant version, and whether an API password is needed to access the instance. The examples below show two ways to retrieve the details for testing.

$ avahi-browse -alr
+ eth0 IPv4 Home                              _home-assistant._tcp local
= eth0 IPv4 Home                              _home-assistant._tcp local
   hostname = [Home._home-assistant._tcp.local]
   address = []
   port = [8123]
   txt = ["base_url=" "requires_api_password=true" "version=0.41.0"]
$ avahi-discover
Browsing domain 'local' on -1.-1 ...
Browsing for services of type '_home-assistant._tcp' in domain 'local' on 4.0 ...
Found service 'Home' of type '_home-assistant._tcp' in domain 'local' on 4.0.
Service data for service 'Home' of type '_home-assistant._tcp' in domain 'local' on 4.0:
	Host Home._home-assistant._tcp.local (, port 8123, TXT data: 
['requires_api_password=true', 'base_url=', 'version=0.41.0']