Backend Localization

Translation Strings

Platform translation strings are stored as JSON in the home-assistant repository. These files must be located adjacent to the component/platform they belong to. They are named strings.<component/platform name>.json, unless the component being translated exists in its own directory, in which case the file is simply named strings.json in that directory. This file will contain the different strings that will be translatable. Currently only states are supported by the frontend.

After the pull request with the strings file is merged into the dev branch, the strings will be automatically uploaded to Lokalise, where contributors can submit translations. The translated strings in Lokalise will be periodically pulled in to the home-assistant repository.

States Localization

The first step when localizing platform states is to ensure that the states defined in the actual platform code are defined in snake_case. The states should not contain capital letters or spaces. Next, the strings file needs to be created. The states should exist under the state key, and map the backend state keys to their English translations. The season sensor localization is a good example.