Dynamic content

With the new Content Extension feature found in iOS 10, dynamic content can now be displayed as part of a notification without opening an app.


Will show a map with a red tipped pin at the coordinates given. The map will be centered at the coordinates given.

service: notify.ios_<your_device_id_here>
  message: Something happened at home!
      category: map
      latitude: "40.785091"
      longitude: "-73.968285"

Showing a second pin

You can use the following properties under action_data to display a second pin. If used, the first pin will be red and the second green.

  • second_latitude: The latitude of the second pin. Must be a string!
  • second_longitude: The longitude of the second pin. Must be a string!
  • shows_line_between_points: A Boolean value indicating whether a line should be drawn between the first and second pin.

Extra configuration

You can also pass the following properties under action_data to modify the map in various ways. All are expected to be boolean values unless otherwise noted:

  • shows_compass: A Boolean indicating whether the map displays a compass control.
  • shows_points_of_interest: A Boolean indicating whether the map displays point-of-interest information.
  • shows_scale: A Boolean indicating whether the map shows scale information.
  • shows_traffic: A Boolean value indicating whether the map displays traffic information.
  • shows_user_location: A Boolean value indicating whether the map should try to display the user’s location.

An example of the map dynamic content.

Camera Stream

The notification thumbnail will be a still image from the camera. The notification content is a real time MJPEG stream of a camera (assuming the camera supports it).

You can use the attachment parameters content-type and hide-thumbnail with camera to control the thumbnail.

You can view an example here.

service: notify.ios_<your_device_id_here>
  message: Motion detected in the Living Room
      content-type: jpeg
      category: camera
    entity_id: camera.demo_camera

Combining with actionable notifications

As you can see the category key is used to tell the device what kind of content extension to use. You can use the same category identifiers in your own custom actions to add actions to the content extension.

For example this configuration adds actions to a camera content message.

      - name: Camera With Actions
        identifier: 'camera'
          - identifier: 'OPEN_COVER'
            title: 'Open Cover'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: yes
            destructive: no
          - identifier: 'CLOSE_COVER'
            title: 'Close Cover'
            activationMode: 'background'
            authenticationRequired: yes
            destructive: yes


If you are having problems with receiving these special notifications try restarting your phone first. The extensions somewhat often fail to register properly until a restart.