
Home Assistant requires a web browser to show the frontend and supports all major modern browsers. We don’t test the web interface against all available browsers but this page tracks different browsers on various operating systems and should help you to pick a browser which works. The “Release” column contains the release number which were tested. This doen’t mean that older or newer releases not work.

If a browser is listed as working but you are still having problems, it is possible that some add-on or extension may be the problem. Some add-ons or extension are known to cause issue with the frontend, but it’s not possible to test them all. If you are having issues with the frontend displaying correctly, you should disable all your add-ons or extensions and enable them one at a time.

We would appreciate if you help to keep this page up-to-date and add feedback.

Microsoft Windows

Browser Release State Comments
Internet Explorer (IE) 11 Not supported Does not support promises.
Microsoft Edge deli. Win 10 works Streaming updates not working.
Chrome 61.0.3163.100 works  
Firefox 57.0 works  
Iridium 48.2 works  
Opera 42.0.2393.351 works  


Browser Release State Comments
Safari   works Map is fixed since 0.51.


Browser Release State Comments
Firefox 57.0 works  
Midori 0.5.11 works  
Chromium 63.0.3239.108 works  
Conkeror 1.0.2 works  
Tor Browser 7.0.8 works  
Konqueror   unknown  
Uzbl 0.9.0 works  
Opera 42.0.2393.351 works  
Lynx 2.12 fails loads empty page
elinks   fails page with manifest and import
w3m 0.5.3 fails display the icon shown while loading HA
Epiphany 3.18.5 works  
surf 0.7 works  


Browser Release State Comments
Chrome 50.0.2661.89 works Can also be added to desktop
Firefox 46.0.1 works Can also be added to desktop
Opera 42.0.2246.112628 works Can also be added to desktop


Browser Release State Comments
Safari   works Can also be added to desktop. Map is fixed since 0.51.
Chrome   works  

There are reports that devices running with iOS prior to iOS 10, especially old iPads, are having trouble.