
The glossary covers terms which are used around Home Assistant.

  • Action:

    Actions are events that fires once all triggers and conditions have been met.

  • Automation:

    Automations offer the capability to call a service based on a simple or complex trigger. Automation allows a condition such as sunset to cause an event, such as a light turning on.

  • Component:

    Components provide the core logic for the functionality in Home Assistant. Like notify provides sending notifications.

  • Condition:

    Conditions are an optional part of an automation that will prevent an action from firing if they are not met.

  • Cookbook:

    The Cookbook contains a set of configuration examples of Home Assistant from the community.

  • Customize:

    Customization allows you to overwrite the default parameter of your devices in the configuration.

  • Device:

    A device is usually a physical unit which can do or observe something.

  • Discovery:

    Discovery is the automatic setup of zeroconf/mDNS and uPnP devices after they are discovered.

  • Entity:

    An entity is the representation of a single device, unit or web service.

  • Event:

    An event is when something happens.

  • Frontend:

    The frontend is a necessary component for the UI, it is also where you can define your themes.

  • Group:

    Groups are a way to organize your entities into a single unit.

  • HADashboard:

    HADashboard is a modular, skinnable dashboard for Home Assistant that is intended to be wall mounted, and is optimized for distance viewing.

  • is an operating system that will take care of installing and updating Home Assistant, is managed from the Home Assistant UI, allows creating/restoring snapshots of your configuration, and can easily be extended.

  • Hassbian:

    Hassbian is a customized operating system specifically tailored for Raspberry Pi users. It is one of the easiest way of installing and running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi.

  • Packages:

    Packages allow you to bundle different component configurations together.

  • Platform:

    Platforms make the connection to a specific software or hardware platform. For example, the pushbullet platform works with the service to send notifications.

  • Scene:

    Scenes capture the states you want certain entities to be. For example a scene can specify that light A should be turned on and light B should be bright red.

  • Script:

    Scripts are components that allow users to specify a sequence of actions to be executed by Home Assistant when turned on.

  • Service:

    Services are called to perform actions.

  • Template:

    A template is an automation definition that can include variables for the service or data from the trigger values. This allows automations to generate dynamic actions.

  • Trigger:

    A trigger is a set of values or conditions of a platform that are defined to cause an automation to run.

  • Zone:

    Zones are areas that can be used for presence detection.

  • hass:

    HASS or hass is often used as an abbreviation for Home Assistant. It is also the command line tool.