Xiaomi Philips Light

The xiaomi_miio platform allows you to control the state of your Xiaomi Philips LED Ball Lamp, Xiaomi Philips LED Ceiling Lamp and Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Lamp 2.

Currently, the supported features are on, off, set_cct (colortemp) , set_bright (brightness).

Please follow the instructions on Retrieving the Access Token to get the API token to use in the configuration.yaml file.

To add a Xiaomi Philips Light to your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entries
  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    name: Xiaomi Philips Smart LED Ball
    token: YOUR_TOKEN
    model: philips.light.bulb

Configuration variables:

  • host (Required): The IP of your light.
  • token (Required): The API token of your light.
  • name (Optional): The name of your light.
  • model (Optional): The model of your light. Valid values are philips.light.bulb, philips.light.sread1, philips.light.ceiling and philips.light.zyceiling. This setting can be used to bypass the device model detection and is recommended if your device isn’t always available.

Configuration Variables


(string)(Required)The IP address of your device.


(string)(Required)The API token of your device.


(string)(Optional)The name of your device.

Default value: Xiaomi Philips Light


(string)(Optional)The model of your device.

Platform Services

Service light.xiaomi_miio_set_scene

Set one of the 4 available fixed scenes.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on a specific light. Else targets all.
scene no Scene, between 1 and 4.

Service light.xiaomi_miio_set_delayed_turn_off

Delayed turn off.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on a specific light. Else targets all.
time_period no Time period for the delayed turn off.