Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum

The xiaomi miio vacuum platform allows you to control the state of your Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum.

Currently supported features are:

  • turn_on
  • pause
  • stop
  • return_to_home
  • turn_off (stop all activity and return to dock)
  • locate
  • clean_spot
  • set_fan_speed
  • remote control of your robot.

Please follow Retrieving the Access Token to retrieve the API token used in configuration.yaml.

Configuring the Platform

To add a vacuum to your installation, add the following to configuration.yaml:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    token: YOUR_TOKEN

Configuration variables:

  • host (Required): The IP of your robot.
  • token (Required): The API token of your robot.
  • name (Optional): The name of your robot.

Platform Services

In addition to all of the services provided by the vacuum component (turn_on, turn_off, start_pause, stop, return_to_home, locate, set_fan_speed and send_command), the xiaomi platform introduces specific services to access the remote control mode of the robot. These are:

  • xiaomi_remote_control_start
  • xiaomi_remote_control_stop
  • xiaomi_remote_control_move
  • xiaomi_remote_control_move_step

Service vacuum.xiaomi_remote_control_start

Start the remote control mode of the robot. You can then move it with remote_control_move; when done, call remote_control_stop.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on specific robot; default targets all

Service vacuum.xiaomi_remote_control_stop

Exit the remote control mode of the robot.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on specific robot; default targets all

Service vacuum.xiaomi_remote_control_move

Remote control the robot. Please ensure you first set it in remote control mode with remote_control_start.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on specific robot; default targets all
velocity no Speed: between -0.29 and 0.29
rotation no Rotation: between -179 degrees and 179 degrees
duration no The number of seconds that the robot should move for

Service vacuum.xiaomi_remote_control_move_step

Enter remote control mode, make one move, stop, and exit remote control mode.

Service data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Only act on specific robot; default targets all
velocity no Speed: between -0.29 and 0.29.
rotation no Rotation: between -179 degrees and 179 degrees.
duration no The number of seconds that the robot should move for


In addition to all of the attributes provided by the vacuum component, (battery_icon, cleaned_area, fan_speed, fan_speed_list, status, and params), the xiaomi platform introduces specific attributes. These are:

  • cleaning_time
  • do_not_disturb
  • main_brush_left
  • side_brush_left
  • filter_left
  • cleaning_count
  • total_cleaned_area
  • total_cleaning_time

The following table shows the units of measurement for each attribute:

Attribute Unit of measurement Description
do_not_disturb   DND mode on / off
cleaning_time minutes Last / actual cleaning time in minutes
cleaned_area square meter Last / actual cleaned area in square meters
main_brush_left hours Hours left until a change of the main brush is needed
side_brush_left hours Hours left until a change of the side brush is needed
filter_left hours Hours left until a change of the filter is needed
cleaning_count   Number of total cleaning cycles
total_cleaned_area square meter Total cleaned area in square meters
total_cleaning_time minutes Total cleaning time in minutes

Retrieving the Access Token

As per python-miio issue 185 the Mi-Home app no longer stores the token within the database (it’s retrieved from Xiaomi servers from version 5.0.31+). Currently the only known fix is to uninstall, then install a downgraded version of the apk. Apkmirror is a trusted source for older versions of the app. Mi-Home version 5.0.0 is confirmed as working for the following Android methods. This token (32 hexadecimal characters) is required for the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum, Xiaomi Philips Lights and Xiaomi IR Remote. The Xiaomi Gateway uses another security method and requires a key (16 alphanumeric chars), which can be obtained easily via a hidden menu item at the Mi-Home app or using the miio command line tool.

Miio command line tool

You can install the command line tool with:

$ npm install -g miio

Discovering devices on current network

$ miio discover

This will list devices that are connected to the same network as your computer. Let it run for a while so it has a chance to reach all devices, as it might take a minute or two for all devices to answer.

The commands outputs each device on this format:

Device ID: 48765421
Model info: zhimi.airpurifier.m1
Token: token-as-hex-here via auto-token
Support: At least basic

The information output is:

  • Device ID - the unique identifier of the device, does not change if the device is reset.
  • Model ID - the model id if it could be determined, this indicates what type of device it is
  • Address - the IP that the device has on the network
  • Token - the token of the device or ??? if it could not be automatically determined

Windows and Android

To fetch the token follow these instructions depending on your mobile phone platform.

  1. Configure the robot with the Mi-Home app.
  2. Download and extract the MiToolKit.zip.
  3. Enable developer mode and USB debugging on the Android phone and plug it into the computer.
  4. Change the MiToolKit language to English if you need to.
  5. Click “Extract Token”
  6. On the phone, you must confirm the backup. DO NOT enter any password and press the button to make the backup.
  7. Once you have confirmed the backup the token extraction will begin, it should appear in the MiToolKit shortly.

Linux and Android (not rooted)

Follow the pairing process using your phone and Mi-Home app. You will be able to retrieve the token from a SQLite file inside your phone.

Before you begin you need to install libffi-dev and libssl-dev by running the command below. This is needed for python-miio to be installed correctly.

$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev

If your Home Assistant installation is running in a Virtualenv, make sure you activate it by running the commands below.

$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate

To fetch the token follow these instructions depending on your mobile phone platform.

  1. Configure the robot with the Mi-Home app.
  2. Enable developer mode, USB debugging and plug the Android phone into the computer.
  3. Get ADB e.g. apt-get install android-tools-adb or apt-get install adb
  4. adb devices should list your device. Consult ADB manual if necessary.
  5. Issue a backup command via adb: adb backup -noapk com.xiaomi.smarthome -f backup.ab (set a password if prompted on your phone). Some devices may required single quotes in the command adb backup '-noapk com.xiaomi.smarthome -f backup.ab'
  6. Download the ‘ADB Backup Extractor’ from here
  7. Extract the data from the backup: java -jar Android\ Backup\ Utilities/Android\ Backup\ Extractor/android-backup-extractor-20171005-bin/abe.jar unpack backup.ab unpacked.tar (enter the password, if prompted)
  8. Untar the unpacked data: tar -xvf unpacked.tar
  9. sqlite3 apps/com.xiaomi.smarthome/db/miio2.db 'select token from devicerecord where name = "Mi Robot Vacuum";' returns the token for your Xiaomi vacuum bot.

Linux and Android (rooted!)

Follow the pairing process using your phone and Mi-Home app. You will be able to retrieve the token from a SQLite file inside your phone.

Before you begin you need to install libffi-dev and libssl-dev by running the command below. This is needed for python-miio to be installed correctly.

$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev

If your Home Assistant installation is running in a Virtualenv, make sure you activate it by running the commands below.

$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate

To fetch the token follow these instructions depending on your mobile phone platform.

  1. Configure the robot with the Mi-Home app.
  2. Enable developer mode, USB debugging and root permission only for ADB on the Android phone and plug it into the computer.
  3. Get ADB f.e. apt-get install android-tools-adb
  4. adb devices should list your device
  5. adb root (does work for development builds only: ones with ro.debuggable=1)
  6. adb shell (for those using Magisk based root the previous command won’t work. After entering a shell, type su to enter the root shell)
  7. echo "select name,localIP,token from devicerecord;" | sqlite3 /data/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/databases/miio2.db returns a list of all registered devices including IP address and token.


  1. Configure the robot with the Mi-Home app.
  2. Using iTunes, create an unencrypted backup of your iPhone.
  3. Install iBackup Viewer, open it, and open your backup.
  4. Open the “Raw Data” module.
  5. Navigate to com.xiaomi.mihome.
  6. Search for a file that looks like this: 123456789_mihome.sqlite – note that _mihome.sqlite is not the correct file.
  7. Save this file to your filesystem.
  8. Install DB Browser for SQLite.
  9. Open DB Browser and load the .sqlite file you saved from your backup.
  10. Click on the Execute SQL tab.
  11. Input and run this query: SELECT ZTOKEN FROM ZDEVICE WHERE ZNAME = "Mi Robot Vacuum"
  12. Copy the returned 32-digit hexadecimal string to your clipboard.
  13. Open Terminal and execute this command: echo '0: <YOUR HEXADECIMAL STRING>' | xxd -r -p | openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -nopad -nosalt -K 00000000000000000000000000000000
  14. Use the resulting string as your token.