Ring Camera

To get your Ring.com cameras working within Home Assistant, please follow the instructions for the general Ring component. Please note that downloading and playing Ring video will require a Ring Protect plan.

Once you have enabled the Ring component, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: ring

Configuration variables:

  • ffmpeg_arguments: (Optional): Extra options to pass to ffmpeg, e.g., image quality or video filter options.
  • scan_interval: (Optional): How frequently to query for new video. Defaults to 90 seconds.

Note: To be able to playback the last capture, it is required to install the ffmpeg component. Make sure to follow the steps mentioned at FFMPEG documentation.

Currently it supports doorbell and stickup cameras.

Saving the videos captured by your Ring Door Bell

You can save locally the latest video captured by your Ring Door Bell using the downloader along with either an automation or python_script. First, enable the downloader component in your configuration by adding the following to your configuration.yaml.

  download_dir: downloads

Then you can use the following action in your automation (this will save the video file under <config>/downloads/ring_<camera_name>/):

  - service: downloader.download_file
      url: ""
      subdir: ""
      filename: ""

If you want to use python_script, enable it your configuration.yaml file first:


You can then use the following python_script to save the video file:

# obtain ring doorbell camera object
# replace the camera.front_door by your camera entity
ring_cam = hass.states.get('camera.front_door')

subdir_name = 'ring_{}'.format(ring_cam.attributes.get('friendly_name'))

# get video URL
data = {
    'url': ring_cam.attributes.get('video_url'),
    'subdir': subdir_name,
    'filename': ring_cam.attributes.get('friendly_name')

# call downloader component to save the video
hass.services.call('downloader', 'download_file', data)